
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Selina Vuddamalay: On the Militant Poetics Conference

I came to the event having been fairly disappointed with several other seminars and conferences. The title of the event encouraged me to attend and it was not disappointing because —

(a) We all seem to have similar concerns regarding injustice and violation of human rights.

(b) There seems to be a genuine commitment of intolerance against the language, behavior and systems of global corrupt, elitist culture in all the forms it manifests itself in our neocolonialist era. This is well demonstrated in the poetry and works of so many who contributed their ideas to all present; it was varied and challenging.

(c) We can dance on Thatcher's grave, or any other dictators for that matter, but what has really changed and why not? How do we fight the corruption and greed of politics, and is the power of language alone sufficient? Just as dictionaries can become the graveyard for words, discourse and dialectical debate can easily overshadow the main agendas that truly worry us.

It was a positive event; poets and writers as legislators and activists combined, would perhaps be more constructive? 

My commitment at present is with children; may be tapping into their interests leads to many passions we are engaged with in terms of injustice and human rights. Mine is just a first small (uncertain and sometimes faltering) step towards making 'awareness', in children by exploring their imaginative and creative possibilities through a 'self-exploratory process'.  

As with some of you there are difficulties in knowing the right way, but sometimes there is no right way and it will be a reflective learning process. 

I welcome any comments on this process.

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